Dissolving planets
Surreptitious eye-poking
Fledgling Anarchist

It remains obscure
Total clarity

Look at all the stars!
Inside or outside my head?
Why does it matter?

Exclamation point!
Nail the audience's head
To the bloody page

Why am I alive?
I asked myself this morning
So I wrote a song

Total sum zero
It really does all add up
No plus, no minus

 Words are all I have
Language is nothing you know
I fall in again

It's arguable
Should the last line have just five
Syllables or six?

Have I warped the form
Enough to really make it
Mine?  I don't doubt it

We the walking dead
Now so inconsequential
There can be no deal

Why use a word of
One syllable when one of
Six will fit the trick?

Look, the miracle
Of life which does surround you
Is it a good thing?

The tiger has killed
The wild dog has raped and raped
May I go home now?

I had a very
Bad experience in a
Xhicago hotel

Hotels and airplanes
Do all start to smell the same
Once you're used to them

Doesn't look so bad
From up here you can hardly
Tell it's a hell hole

That which is sweet is
Destroyed, that which is good is
Just eaten alive

Whether it's using
Four letter words or it's not
This work is profane

I have turned thirty
I didn't expect to live
This long, I'm giddy

Do not leave this place
Until I have had a chance
To shock or dismay

I like the haiku
It enforces discipline
On my dear chaos

At last the dawn comes
Took five years of agony
But now it is dawn

It is not my fault
It has never been my fault
Don't pretend it is

You are what you are
A sometime beauty indeed
A sometime horror

The trees move with wind
The clouds remind me, rejoice
I must also pass

Need more? Try the haikus for California
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