Why Write?
There have been so many words put to paper which I wish that I had written that I didn't that I sometimes wonder why I bother.  Many of my most powerful thoughts and feelings have already been nailed to the page by others, so I am curious at my own dogged persistence in pursuing this art.  For many years I simply refused to write anything but music.  I am killing these words, I don't see how anyone could argue otherwise, I am freezing the thoughts and arresting the feelings, there can be no dispute.  I gave in and started again when I found myself uneager to live.  Here is a space in which I do not have to want to live.  Here is a place where I splatter my personality across possibility, where my suffering is good for something besides my own pain.  I acknowledge that it is a terrible hubris, but I find my own work beautiful.  The words are very nice, they say what I need to say in order to live.  And I hope that someday that they might transmit what someone else needs to live.  I pray that someday someone somewhere will wish that they had written some of what I have written and that this will drive them on to live some more and to create again.