Why Am I Cold?

    Am I cold?  What is your definition of cold that we might see if I fit it.  Without feeling?  I am certainly not without feeling.  Although feeling has diminished in importance to me over time.  Just being alive is enough of a miracle, why ever feel anything but joy?  I will get around to telling you a story here, and we shall see if it diminishes the importance of your own personal feelings to you.  Because I don't see this as sickness. I see ruling emotion rather than being ruled by it as the only real possibility for survival.  Because if I couldn't do it I, personally, would be dead.
    I am going to ask you to make some rather incredible leaps of imagination.  I am going to tell you a story that I wish really was allegorical, and while whether you believe it or not remains entirely your choice the fact remains that it is a truth. You clever ones noted I said 'a truth'.  It is history as I experienced it.  I do not pretend to understand anything more than that.  I will confess to every crime of which I am guilty, and you might find some hard to believe.  But you will also find that they do not include every crime of which I stand accused.  So be it.
    Imagine that you have been with your love over half of your life.  Imagine that they have been parent, best friend, confessor and lover to you.  Imagine that you would do literally absolutely anything for them.  And imagine that you believe that they would do anything for you.  Are you feeling anything?  A little vulnerable?  Well don't, imagine that you are preposterously stupidly trusting.  You must actually feel invulnerable to get into a space shere you can understand what I did.  Simple delusions of grandeur and mere magalomania fail to describe the self image I possessed. I was god's god, nothing that I ever did could ever go wrong because I had at least one worshipper for life.  And she inspired others.  Convinced others?  Regardless, I wholeheartedly gave every last piece of myself to our community.  Some pieces of myself are of a most peculiar sexual nature.  If I had never shared these parts of myself my marriage might still be intact.  Is that horrible enough?  Would you like to live with that?
Or live with being called a rapist?  The practices in which my faith in us allowed me to indulge did traumatize her.  I now understand that.  She did not call it rape at the time and I didn't see it was.  But the most horrible dharma on me is that if a woman says she has been raped, she has been raped.  But she also said I've done other things I know I haven't done.  The confusion would tear my mind apart if I concentrated on it too long.  But it's beautiful for that, how it ties me to human experience, how I now fit in the fractal space of the micromacrocosm.  I now have a large chapter of my life I wish to forget, much like the human species and just a few other individuals. I understand so much more about the bottom falling out, the world turning upside down and truly being beyond hope.  And even though my spirit is very much broken, I live on, rushing headlong into experiences which shall certainly be anticlimactic.  I feel so much more like Earwicker now.  So much like the caveman, the renaissance man, the industrial man.  Connected to the ages by an awful tradition.
I do not think that I am cold at all.