Fall, gods
Like worshipped stones
Sing on hardness
Broke as bones

Our survival is anything but assured
In fact, quite the opposite
Our immolation guaranteed
Why don't you show me something?

If I scream in fear
It has nothing to do with this train
This blood
Let's start again

I'm sorry, I'm sorry
I am sorry
Did I mention
That I am sorry?

Gods have been too kind
And you too forgiving
My axe not as sharp as it once was
Still, it's a living

This smoking hole in the ground
Where once gleefully we tripped
Our heels dancing, mouths laughing
Any fear eclipsed
Such handsome twins indeed
Such strong and stalwart towers
Of man's dreams, hope and belief
In his own powers

Gone now
In a fountain of flame and blood
To smoke and rubble and mud
Sleep now
Forever for such grave's rest
Gone now
That we'd given all our best

Our childish smiles have fallen
With them our spirits too
We turn away in anguish to seek
Something else t'do
Oh we could reprise your loss
We can fill the world with death
A pile of corpses as high as you stood
Let us hold our breath

Another Death
Whirling, spinning, turning, halts
The sad unwinding dying waltz
A tremble, quiver, shiver, lurch
From dirt and so return to dirt

When she awoke this morn the sight
Of his last day arose, now aflight
She turns this once across the sky
To pray for life and then to die

It isn't over until it's over
Come back in nine lives and one hour
At long last it is bloody over
Go take a cold shower

Explain It
I had the words
I didn't write them down
Now they are gone

Do you understand?
You cannot understand
Because I lost the words

I will write
Some very similar words
But they can't be the same


I am sick to death of feeling
Can't anyone feel for me?
-Bomb, or just give us the guns
No one seems to feel for you

Or not enough
Not in time
The average depth
Of human feeling
Is so much less
Than it should be


So lace
Isn't grace

So less
What a mess

And at the wedding of the indefatiguable and the dead
Hear it said
-Never in the course of our tomorrows
So drown us all in sorrow
walk with me up to where the wall is
and suffer us with solace

Pome for Tiff
(proto-words to Infernal Drumming)

Hey platinum headed swan
I'm missing part of my heart

Hey green-eyed monster
Feels like a hole in my soul

Hey beauty
Where is your beast?

The Web

The web your mind
the rain my words
Each drop resonates across the entire structure
changing nothing

In fact it is that very
structure which determines
If the rain
will strike
any strand at all

The web utterly transforms the rain
it frees it and randomizes it
scatters it according to its own design
But if the rain should alter the web
it would be

Death wins
chaos rules
naught remains
of dreams of   fools
o look now I am bleeding
how'd this happ'n, I broke my skin
now the blood is coming out
t'keep microbes from getting in
I only wonder just how much
I'm really going to bleed
because I'd certainly like t'be sure
I have all that I'll need

All work © 1990-2003 Matthew Mairs

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